Biochemistry graduate regrets ending up as pap vendor
A Nigerian lady who graduated with a degree in organic chemistry has communicated lament subsequent to winding up as a pap seller, notwithstanding going through years considering and paying high educational expenses at the college.
In a video posted on her TikTok page, the lady should be visible setting up her products.
As she sits handling her item, a subtitle in the video makes sense of her circumstance.
The subtitle peruses: “On the off chance that I had referred to I would wind up as a pap merchant, I could not have possibly squandered cash concentrating on natural chemistry in school. I would have utilized the cash to secure myself.”
That’s what she communicated in the event that she had referred to she would wind up as a pap merchant, she could not have possibly put such a great amount in concentrating on organic chemistry.
After she shared her story, many individuals who ran over the video overflowed the remarks area to share their contemplations.
Recordings beneath…
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