Lady cuts off boyfriend’s dreadlocks for getting the hairstyle without informing her

By: Famous9ja / December 16th, 2024 / 67 views

Lady cuts off boyfriend’s dreadlocks for getting the hairstyle without informing her

A Nigerian woman has stunned numerous on the web in the wake of trimming off her beau’s dreadlocks for getting the haircut without illuminating her.

The episode, which has turned into a web sensation, was partaken in a post on the famous virtual entertainment stage X (previously Twitter).

In the video, the woman is seen with her beau, and their discussion uncovers her disappointment over his choice to get dreadlocks without speaking with her first.

The post is inscribed: “Your beau got dreadlocks without illuminating you.”

The video shows the second the woman removes her beau’s dreadlocks, communicating her disappointment at not being told in advance.

As the video keeps on getting some decent momentum on the web, numerous clients have overflowed the remark segment to impart their insights on the surprising demonstration.

Video beneath…

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