Lured For Love, Trapped In Ghana: How Nigerian Gang Kidnapped 80-Year-Old American

By: Famous9ja / December 31st, 2024 / 69 views

Lured For Love, Trapped In Ghana: How Nigerian Gang Kidnapped 80-Year-Old American

Reached Ghana for Adoration, Turned out to be Hijacked: The narrative of a 80-year-old American lady

A 80-year-old American by the name of Diana Christine Nelson had her heart broken into shreds in the wake of going more than 10,000 km from the US of America to meet her web-based sweetheart in Ghana’s capital, Accra.

Regardless of solid alerts by her child that she was being defrauded, Diana, head over heels, didn’t see every one of the warnings and could hardly imagine how she was succumbing to a sentiment trick.

Peruse the subtleties of the examiner’s record shared by underneath:

Dateline: Crestline, California, 2023: Diana Christine Nelson, conceived Nov 23, 1944, while on Facebook, met a man she accepted was Imprint Harmon, the American entertainer, for that is the means by which this man recognized himself.

His genuine name nonetheless, is Emmanuel Adeboye, a Nigerian and presently the vital suspect in this intricate sentiment trick.

Adeboye had mentioned kinship, and soon he was talking his direction into Diana’s heart.

Over the long run their talks turned out to be extremely captivating, and Diana was overwhelmed with passion in this new love section opening in her life.

So getting through were the talks that her internet based commitment couldn’t get away from the consideration of her child, Blake Medina. A flitting pry was enough for him – mother, you should remain away, this is a trick.

Diana seemed to have regarded the great guidance and put an end to it, notwithstanding, by June 2024, she was once again at it as her darling continued to send love notes.

The pair proceeded with their virtual sentiment, finishing, upon the demand of Adeboye, otherwise known as Imprint Harmon, in Diana venturing out to Accra, Ghana, by means of Delta flight 156 from JFK to Kotoka on November 22.

Adeboye had sent her the picture of a phony $25,000 check with which he had postponed away any difficulties with funding their affection life. With that trouble ‘settled’, Adeboye persuaded Diana to work with a graduated house buyback on her home and she got $15,000, some of which she used to get a visa and work with her movement.

On the movement date, Adeboye had vowed to get her at the Kotoka Worldwide Air terminal, all things being equal, it was Esther, presently a suspect and furthermore remanded in police care, who made an appearance.

She is claimed to have let the old woman know that she had been told by Adeboye to get her home where he would before long join her. Diana obliged, and along with Esther were chauffeured to a ‘penthouse’ in Tema, close to Accra.

That ‘penthouse’, Diana’s depiction of her new home, was to be her ‘jail.’

Mark Harmon (Adeboye) never appeared even at the Penthouse, all things being equal, he spoke with her by means of telephone.

Before long Diana was deprived of her telephones, tablets and any devices, as well as her money. She was controlled, and at times in the event that she was taken out, it would be in the organization of two or three men and Esther. She was not permitted to collaborate with anybody.

Medina, Diana’s child, keep going saw his mother on November 16 and didn’t know she had voyaged. On November 30, he found that her mother’s home was recorded available to be purchased on the web. He went to beware of her and afterward found his mother had made a trip to Ghana.

Sell the house

Medina started reaching her mother through text, until December 2 when he got a call from her. She let him know he expected to address another person and Adeboye’s voice came on the line.

Meanwhile Diana Nelson was attempting quickly through voice calls to fund-raise from other relatives and asserting she was being held despite her desire to the contrary and was not allowed to leave.

Adeboye (professing to be another person and accepting French articulation), let Medina know that his mother and her accomplice, Imprint Harmon, had been kept in Ghana while endeavoring to go to Cape Town (South Africa) with undeclared gold and jewels.

He asserted Diana Nelson was safeguarded by Harmon’s companions however Harmon remained imprisoned in Ghana and that various costs were made consequently the requirement for the $150,000.

At the point when Medina said he was unable to give the cash, Adeboye taught him to sell his mom’s home and consequently raise the assets, to which guidance Medina said he was unable to execute without his mom’s actual presence to sign the administrative work.

Medina then mentioned his mom be permitted to return so he could settle the obligation however Adeboye demanded without the installment she was going no place.

He called following an hour and inquired as to whether he comprehended everything he had said to him and gave the telephone to Diana Nelson.

A now sorry Diana apologized to her child for going to Africa, and proclaimed love to her child. She begged her child to store $200 into her financial balance. Behind the scenes, an irate Adeboye was shouting that, that may be the last time Diana would converse with her child.

Not long later, Khalil Dave, a real estate professional seemed to need to sell Diana’s home in Crestline, California, professing to have been employed to sell the property.

In his control was a photograph shopped image of Diana and the alleged ‘Imprint Harmon’, guaranteeing she was with companions and need the house sold. He was captured momentarily yet examiners accept he was onto a certified business.

Salvage Plot

At this stage Medina was under no deception that his mom who had a flight planned to get back to JFK on December 4, was a grab casualty. He answered to the San Bernardino Province Sheriff Division who thusly reached FBI.

The FBI connected up with the Ghana Police Administration and a plot was concocted. The group would be goaded with cash, and when Diana’s Mastercard was re-energized, a wide organization of safety men followed the development of the money at different ATMs.

On December 11, the main withdrawal was made, sending the organization of holding up policing to work who plunged in on ATMs in the quick area.

That exercise got Adeboye and Esther, and the police say the remainder of the posse will be acquired to confront the law.

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