Ukraine’s military intercepts 50 Russian drones, attacks big oil refinery (video)
The Ukrainian military has said it impeded 50 of 72 robots sent off by Russia short-term and went after one of Russia’s biggest petroleum treatment facilities.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Russia had utilized something like 1,250 ethereal bombs, north of 750 assault robots and in excess of 20 rockets to go after Ukraine throughout the last week.
“No one but assurance can stop such psychological militants. We are continually working with our accomplices to fortify our safeguard capacities and to lessen Russia’s capacity to threaten Ukraine. Long-range abilities are pivotal.
“Sanctions are fundamental. Bringing down the cost of oil is significant. The key is to act in solidarity and safeguard lives with resolve,” Zelenskiy said.
Likewise, Kyiv’s general staff on Sunday said its powers gone after Russia’s Ryazan petroleum processing plant the previous evening and blasts and fire were accounted for in the objective region.
“The Ryazan Petroleum Processing plant is one of the four biggest treatment facilities in the Russian Organization,” it said on Wire.

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